


 include "104.mayu"
 include "default.mayu"
 ## emacsedit.mayu was modified.
 ## "key C-J = Return" in the keymap "EmacsEdit" was disabled. (for SKK)
 ## "key C-J = $ToggleIME" in the keymap "keymap2 EmacsC-X : EmacsEdit" was added. (for SKK)
 ## あふ
 window Afx /AFX.EXE/ : EmacsEdit
 ## Igor Pro ............................................................................
 #window igor /igor.exe/ : EmacsEdit
 window IgorCmd  /Igor.exe:IGOR Pro 4 MDIFrame:MDIClient:IgorCmdChild/  : EmacsEdit # command window
 window IgorProc /Igor.exe:IGOR Pro 4 MDIFrame:MDIClient:IgorProcChild/ : EmacsEdit # procedure window
 window IgorWinCon /Igor.exe:IGOR Pro 4 MDIFrame:.*:Edit/ : EmacsEdit # edit control in window control (.* = #32770 ?)
 window IgorAddAnn /Igor.exe:IGOR Pro 4 MDIFrame:.*:SysTabControl32:.*:WMDialogTextArea/ : EmacsEdit # Add Annotation
 ## Opera ..............................................................................
 window opera /opera.exe/ : EmacsEdit
 ## Visual C++
 window vc /MSDEV.EXE/ : EmacsEdit
 ## Mathematica
 window mathematica /Mathematica.exe/ : EmacsEdit
 key C-k = C-k # completion