
Dr. Shinichi Watanabe (Doctor of Science)
May 21, 1974: I was born in Tokyo, Japan.
March, 1997: B.S. in Physics, Univ. of Tokyo.
March, 1999: Master of Science (Physics), Univ. of Tokyo.
March, 2002: Doctor of Science (Physics), Univ. of Tokyo.

April 1997-March 1999 : I was funded by Nakayama Foundation.
April 1999-March 2002 : Research fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC1).
April 2002-March 2004 : PostDoctral Fellow for research abroad of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

Hobby : To play the Tuba (brass instrument) in concert or brass bands such as,
Brass Creation (Vaud, Switzerland)
Union Instrumentale Forel(Lx) (Forel, Vaud, Switzerland)
Musashino Civic Symphony Orchestra
(Musasino-city, Tokyo, Japan)