\relax \citation{yo} \citation{yo} \citation{oh} \citation{oh} \citation{ishii} \bibcite{yo}{{1}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{oh}{{2}{}{{}}{{}}} \bibcite{ishii}{{3}{}{{}}{{}}} \global \chardef \firstnote@num3\relax \global\NAT@numberstrue \bibstyle{apsrev} \newlabel{LastPage}{{}{0}} \newlabel{FirstPage}{{}{1}{}{}{}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1}{\ignorespaces (\textbf {a}) Top and side views of the atomic arrangement model of a 1-ML-deep pit observed on the annealed (110) surface. This model has the Ga-terminated three-bond step-edge (A-B), the As-terminated three-bond step-edge (C-D), and the two-bond step-edges (A-D and B-C). (\textbf {b}) Atomic step kinetics of the surface evolution during annealing. Proposed schematic drawings of the evolution for the island and pit structures from an assumed square initial shape. }}{1}{}} \newlabel{1}{{1}{1}{}{}{}} \@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2}{\ignorespaces Contour map of migration barrier energy for (a) Ga adatom and (b) As adatom on a GaAs (110) surface with the surface atomic configuration. The dotted and solid circles correspond to As and Ga, respectively. }}{1}{}} \newlabel{2}{{2}{1}{}{}{}} \@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {}References}{1}{}} \newlabel{LastBibItem}{{3}{1}{}{}{}}