
Dr. Motoyoshi Baba
Institute for Solid State Physics
University of Tokyo

5-1-5 Kashiwanoha,
Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8581, JAPAN
tel +81-471-36-3367 fax +81-471-36-3366
e-mail : baba@issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp


  • Mar.1976 Bachelor of Engineering, University of Tokyo
  • Mar.1978 Master of Science, University of Tokyo
  • Mar.1981 Doctor of Science University of Tokyo

Research Experiences:

Apr.1976 - Mar.1981

Graduate School of Science, Doctor Course, Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
High resolution spectroscopy


The Institute of Solid State Physics, the university of Tokyo
iDivision of Laser Physics, Division of Advanced Spectroscopyj joined in Laser Physics Project

  • Apr.1981-

Physics of picosecond high power solid state lasers, especialy Nd:glass lasers, and related plasma phenomena
EDevelopment of TW-class high power Nd:glass laser system
EStudies of X-ray lasers based on picosecond X-ray and XUV spectroscopy
ENonlinear phenomena which are brought about by the intense coherent electric and magnetic fields including various nonlinear optical scattering process @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

  • Oct.1984-

Quantum optics and related phenomena
Estabilization and ultrashort pulse operation of dye laser @
Edevelopment of coherent ultrashort ultraviolet tunable source of light by frequency mixing
Etwo photon coincidence for research of quantum characteristics of photon
EExciton dynamics in CuCl

  • June1996-
Near field optics
Solid state spectroscopy of semiconductor quantum nanostructure

  • May 2003-
Soft X-ray laser
Enovel highly qualified and advanced soft X-ray laser
Solid state physics
FRET between fluorescence protein

Career Professional
Apr.1981-@@Reserch Associate of the Institute of Solid State Physics, the university of Tokyo, Division of Advanced Spectroscopy

Physical Society of Japan

List of Recent Publication
M.Baba, M.Ichihara, R.A.Ganeev, M.Suzuki, H.Kuroda, M.Morita, D.Rau, T.Ishii, and M.Iwamura
":Direct observation of metal complex nanoparticles doped in sol-gel silica glasses using transmission electron microscopy" Appl.Phys.Letts 84(2004)
R.A.Ganeev, M.Baba, M.Morita, A.I.Ryasnyansky, M.Suzuki, M.Turu, and H.Kuroda
"Fifth-order optical nonlinearity of PIC solution at 529nm" Journal of Optics A (2004)
R.A.Ganeev, M.Baba, M.Morita, D.Rau, H.Fujii, A.I.Ryasnyansky, N,Ishizawa, M.Suzuki, M.Turu,
and H.Kuroda "Nonlinear optical characteristics of thin zirconium oxide films doped with semiconductor nanoparticles and metals" Appl.Phys. B (2004)
R.A.Ganeev, A.I.Ryasnyansky, N.Ishizawa, M.Baba, M.Suzuki, M.Turu, S.Sakakibara,and H.Kuroda
"Two- and three-photon absorption in CS2" Opt. Commun 231(2004)43
R.A.Ganeev, M.Suzuki, M.Baba, M.Turu, and H.Kuroda @
"Generation of backscattered 2w and 3w/2 harmonics of femtosecond radiation from targets with different atomic numbers" APPL PHYS B-LASERS O 78: (1) 79-85 JAN 2004
KDOhdairaCM.Baba Shiraki, H. Akiyama
"Observation of Band Alignment Transition from Type-I to Type-II in AlInAs/AlGaAs Self-assembled Quantum Dots" Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 72 (2003) 3271
S.Watanabe, S.Koshiba, M.Yoshita, M.Baba, H.Sakaki, and H.Akiyama
"Vertically polarized lasing and photoluminescence in a ridge quantum wire laser" Phys.Rev. B68 (2003)193304
M.Morita, M.Baba, D.Rau, M.Koike, K.Takeda, T.Ishii, M.Yoshita, andH.Akiyama
"Luminescence and ultrafast decay profiles of nano-size ZnS:Cu, Al in sol-gel silica glasses"Nonlinear Optics 29 (2002) 367
M.Yoshita, K.Koyama, Y.Hayamizu, M.Baba, and H.Akiyama
"Fourier imageing study of efficient near-field optical coupling in solid immersion fluorescence microscopy" J.of Appl.Phys. 92(2002)862
M.Yoshita, K.Koyama, Y.Hayamizu, M.Baba, and H.Akiyama
"Improved high collection efficiency in fluorescence microscopy with a Weierstrass-spheresolid immersion lens" Jpn. J. Appl.Phys. 41(2002)L858
M.Morita,M.Baba,H.Fujii, D.Rau, M.Yoshita, and H.Akiyama
"Photolumunescenec properties and ultra-fast decay profiles of nanoparticles in sol-gel zirconia thin films xZrO2₯100-xCdS:Mn2+ and Eu3+ " J.of Luminescence 94-95(2001)191
E.Tokunaga, K.Kurihara, M.Baba, M.Masumoto, and M.Matsuoka
"Bipolariton coupling in biexciton optical decay, Degenerate and nondegenerate two polariton emissions in CuCl l" Phys.Rev. B64, 045209-1-045209-20 (2001)
T.Unuma, T.Takahashi, T.Noda, M.Yoshita, H.Sakaki, M.Baba, and H.Akiyama
"Effects of interface roughness and phonon scattering on intersubband absorption line width in a GaAs quantum well" Appl.Phys.Lett. 78, 3448-3450 (2001)
M.Yoshita, N.Kondo, H.Sakaki, M.Baba, and H.Akiyama
"Large terrace formation and modulated electronic states in (110)
GaAs quantum wells" Phys.Rev.B63 (2001)075305-1-9
T.Makino, N.T.Tuan, H.D.Sun, C.H.Chia, Y.Segawa, M.Kawasaki, A.Ohtomo, K.Tamura, @
T. Suemoto, H. Akiyama, M. Baba, S. Saito, T.Tomita, and H.Koinuma
"Temperature Dependence of Near Ultraviolet Photoluminescence in ZnO/(Mg,Zn)O multiple quantum wells " Appl.Phys.Letts.78 (2001)1979
T.Tomita, S.Saito,.M.Baba, M.Hundhausen, T.Suemoto, and S.Nakashima
"Selectively resonant Raman spectar of folded phonon modes in SiC " Phys.Rev.B62i‚Q‚O‚O‚Oj‚P‚Q‚W‚X‚U.
M.Morita, D.Rau, H.Fujii, Y.Minami, S.Murakami, M.Baba, M.Yoshita, and H.Akiyama
"Photolumunescenec oF CdS:Mn2+ and Eu3+ nanoparticles dispersed in zirconia sol-gel films" ‚iD‚‚†@‚k‚•‚‚‰‚Ž‚…‚“‚ƒ‚…‚Ž‚ƒ‚…@‚W‚V|‚W‚Xi‚Q‚O‚O‚Oj‚S‚V‚W
H.Yaguchi, J.Wu, H.Akiyama, M.Baba, K.Onabe, and Y.Shiraki
"Time-Resolved Photoluminescence of Cubic GaN Grown by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy "
Phys.Stat.Sol(b) 216(1999)237
S.Watanabe, S.Koshiba, M.Yoshita, H.Sakaki, M.Baba, and H.Akiyama
"Investigation for luminescence uniformity in ridge quantum wire laser structures " Appl.Phys.Letts. 75(1999)2190
K.Koyama, M.Yoshita, M.Baba, T.Suemoto, and H.Akiyama
"High collection efficiency in fluorescence microscopy with a solid immersion lens " Appl.Phys.Letts. 75(1999)1667
M.Baba, M.Yoshita, T.Sasaki and H.Akiyama
"Application of solid immersion lens to submicron resolution imaging of nano-scale quantum wells " Opt.Rev.6(1999)257
S.Koshiba, S.Watanabe, Y.Nakamura, I.Tanaka, T.Ngo, M.Yoshita, M.Baba, H.Akiyama, and H.Sakaki
"Fabrication and control of GaAs/AlAs 10 nano-meter scale structure by MBE" Trans.MRS-J 24(1999)93
M.Baba, T.Sasaki, M.Yoshita and H.Akiyama
"Aberration and allowances for errors in a hemisphere solid immersion lens for submicron-resolution photoluminescence " J.A.P.85(1999)6923
S.Koshiba, S.Watanabe, Y.Nakamura, M.Yamauchi, M.Yoshita, M.Baba, and H.Akiyama
"Selective MBE Growth of GaAs/AlAs Ridge Structures Containing 10-nm Scale Wires and Side QWs and Their Stimulated Emission Characteristics" J.Cryst.Growth (1999) 201/202(1999)810
M.Yoshita, T.Sasaki, M.Baba, and H.Akiyama
"Application of solid immersion lens to high-spatial resolution photoluminescence imaging of GaAs quantum wells at low temperatures" Appl.Phys.Lett.73(1998)635
S.Watanabe, S.Koshiba, M.Yoshita, M.Baba, and H.Akiyama
Stimulated emission in ridge quantum wire laser structures measured with optical pumping and microscopic imaging methods" Appl.Phys.Lett.73(1998)511
T.Sasaki, M.Baba, M.Yoshita, and H.Akiyama
"Aplication of Solid Immersion Lens to High-Resolution Photoluminescence Imaging of Patterned GaAs Quantum Wells " J.J.A.P. 36(1997)L962
"Femtosecond Measurement of Fluorescence by Two Photon Interference" Phys.Rev.A 55(1997)3117
"Intensity Interference of Ultrashort Pulsed Fluorescence " Phys.Rev.Letts. 76(1996)4697
"Two-Photon Interference of Imperfectly Mode-Locked Pulses " Prog.in Cryst.Gr.and Char.33(1996)379
"Measurement of The Scattered Light Pulses by Two Photon Interference " Prog.in Cryst.Gr.and Char.33(1996)347
"Autocorrelation measurement of the Ultrashort Incoherent Light Pulses by Intensity Interference " Prog.in Cryst.Gr.and Char.33(1996)343
"Radiative lifetime of CuCl biexitons in wide wave-number region " Prog.in Cryst.Gr.and Char.33(1996)149
"Lifetime Measurement Of High Wavenumber Biexcitons in in CuCl " Phys.Rev.B 52(1995)

International Conference
R.A.Ganeev, M.Suzuki, M.Baba, M.Turu, and H.Kuroda @
:"Generation of backscattered 2w and 3w/2 harmonics of femtosecond radiation @ from the targets with different atomic number" International Conference Photonics WEST2004 San Jose, california, USA 2004.1.24-29
T. Unuma, K. Kobayashi, A. Yamamoto, M. Yoshita, Y. Hashimoto, S. Katsumoto, Y. Iye,
Y. Kanemitsu, M. Baba, and H. Akiyama
:"Comparison between intersubband infrared absorption and electronic Raman scattering @in a narrow single quantum well "@7th International Conference on Intersubband Transition in Quantum Wells (ITQW 2003) @Evolene, Switzerland 2003.9.1-5
M.Morita, T.Ishii, M.Baba, D.Rau, M.Iwamura, and H.Kuroda
:Photoluminescence and ultrafast decay profiles of rare earth(III) ion doped semiconductor nanocrystals encapusulated in silica nanotube MCM-41/CdxZn1-xS:Eu3+,Tb3+ International Conference on Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids(DPC'03) Christchurch(Newzealand)@2003.8.3-8
M.Morita, D.Rau, S.Kajiyama, T.Sakurai, M.Baba, and M.Iwamura
:"Luminescence Properties of nanophosphors:metal ion doped sol-gel silica glasses 2nd International Conference on Sol-Gel Materials Szklarska Poreba(Poland) 2003.7.15-20
K.Ohdaira, H.Murata, S.Koh, M.Baba, H.Akiyama, R.Ito, and Y.Shiraki
:"Control of Type-I and Type-II Band Alignments in AlInAs/AlGaAs Self-assembled Quantum Dots by Changing AlGaAs Compositions " The 11th international Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures-MSS11- Nara(Japan) 2003.7.14-18
H. Kuroda, R. A. Ganeev, M. Baba, M.Suzuki, M. Turu, T.Ozaki, and A. Ishizawa
:"Observation of advanced 18.9 nm soft X-ray laser and harmonics and subharomonics mixing in femtosecond radiation pumped plasams" 30th Euro Physical Soc. Conference Stpetertzburg(Russia) 2003.7.7-11
H. Kuroda, R. A. Ganeev, M. Baba, M.Suzuki, S.Sakakibara, M. Turu, T.Ozaki, and A.Ishizawai
:"Development of hughly advanced soft X-ray lasers for biomedical and nano-laser medicine applications" 15th World Congress of the International Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine(ISLSM) Munich,(Germany) 2003.6.25-27
T. Unuma, M. Yoshita, T. Noda, H. Sakaki, M. Baba, and H. Akiyama
F"Sensitivity of intersubband absorption linewidth and transport mobility to interface roughness scattering in GaAs quantum wells "@ 29th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS 2002) Lausanne, Switzerland 2002.10.7-10
S.Watanabe, S.Koshiba, M.Yoshita, HDSakakiCM.Baba, and H.Akiyama
:"Vertically polarized lasing and photoluminescence in crescent-shaped quantum wires" 26th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors(ICPS 2002) Edinburgh (England) 2002.7.29-8.2
M.Morita, M.Baba, D.Rau, M.Koike, K.Takeda, T.Ishii, M.Yoshita, and H.Akiyama
:"Luminescence and ultrafast decay profiles of nano-size ZnS:Cu, Al in sol-gel silica glasses" International Conference on Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter(Excon'02) Darwin(Australia) 2002.7.22-26
H. Kuroda, A. Ishizawa, R. A. Ganeev, M. Baba, M. Turu, S. Sakakibara, and T. Kanai :
"Sub-milliradian Divergence 18.9 nm Ni-like Mo Plasma Soft X-ray Laser Pumped by Transient Collisional Excitation with Subpicosecond 150 mJ Laser" 29th Euro Physical Soc. Conference Montreux(Switzerland) 2002.6.17-21
H. Kuroda, A. Ishizawa, R. A. Ganeev, M. Baba, M. Turu, S. Sakakibara, and T. Kanai
:"Observation of Blueshift Due to the Collisionless Absorption on Harmonic Generation from Femtosecond Laser Produced Solid Surface Plasma" 29th Euro Physical Soc. Conference Montreux(Switzerland) 2002.6.17-21
A. Ishizawa, M. Baba, M. Turu, S. Sakakibara, T. Kanai, and H. Kuroda
:"Observation of Blueshift on Harmonic Generation from Subpicosecond Laser Produced Solid Surface Plasmas" 8th International Conference on X-ray lasers, Aspen(U.S.A) 2002.5.27-31
M.Morita, M.Baba, H.Fujii, D.Rau, M.Yoshita, and H.Akiyama
:"Photoluminescence properties and ultrafast decay profiles of nanoparticles in sol-gel zirconia thin films XZrO2 100-XCdS:Mn2+ and Eu3+ " International Conference on Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids(DPC'01) Lyon (France),2001.7.1-4
‚rD‚v‚‚”‚‚Ž‚‚‚‚…C‚rD‚j‚‚“‚ˆ‚‰‚‚‚C‚lD‚x‚‚“‚ˆ‚‰‚”‚C‚gD‚r‚‚‹‚‚‹‚‰C‚lD‚a‚‚‚‚C‚‚Ž‚„ ‚gD‚`‚‹‚‰‚™‚‚‚
:"The optical polarization properties of lasing and photoluminescence in ridge quantum wire laser structures" Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (QELS) Conference 2001 Baltimore, Maryland (USA), 2001.5.6-11
‚rD‚v‚‚”‚‚Ž‚‚‚‚…C‚rD‚j‚‚“‚ˆ‚‰‚‚‚C‚lD‚x‚‚“‚ˆ‚‰‚”‚C‚gD‚r‚‚‹‚‚‹‚‰C‚lD‚a‚‚‚‚C‚‚Ž‚„ ‚gD‚`‚‹‚‰‚™‚‚‚
:"Temperature dependence of carrier migration in ridge-shaped quantum-wire laser structures" 6th International Symposium on Advanced Physical Fields Growth of well-defined nanostructures Tsukuba(Japan), 2001.3.6-9
M.Yoshita, N.Kondo, H.Sakaki, M.Baba,and H.Akiyama
"(110) interface roughness and local electronic states in GaAs T-shaped quantum wires and wells " Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (QELS) Conference 2000 Sanfrancisco (USA), 2000.5.7-12
K..Koyama, M.Baba, M.Yoshita, T.Suemoto, and H.Akiyama
"High-Efficiency near-field light-collection and Fourier imaging via solid immersion lenses " Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (QELS) Conference 2000 Sanfrancisco (USA), 2000.5.7-12
T.Tomita, S.Saito, M.Baba, M.Hundhausen, T.Suemoto, and S.Nakashima
":Selectively resonant Raman spectra of folded phonon modes in SiC "
International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials Sheraton Imperial Research Triangle Park, NC 1999.10.10-15
M.Morita, D.Rau, H.Fujii, K.Minami, S.Murakami, M.Baba, M.Yoshita, and H.Akiyama
"Photoluminescence of CdS:Mn2+ and Eu3+ nanoparticles dispersed in zirconia sol-gel films" International Conference on Luminescence and Optical Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter Osaka,Japan, 1999.8.23-27
K..Koyama, M.Baba, M.Yoshita, T.Suemoto, and H.Akiyama
"Efficient light-collection effect in fluorescence microscopy with solid immersion lens" Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (QELS) Conference '99 Maryland (USA), 1999.5.23-28
M.Yoshita, M.Baba,and H.Akiyama
"Solid-immersion photoluminescence imaging and spectroscopy with high-spatial resolution on GaAs facet nano-structures" Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (QELS) Conference '99 Maryland (USA), 1999.5.23-28
S.Watanabe,S.Koshiba,M.Yoshita,H.Sakaki, M.Baba,and H.Akiyama
"Imaging characterization for lasing and luminescence in ridge quantum wire structures " Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (QELS) Conference '99 Maryland (USA), 1999.5.23-28
M.Baba,M.Yoshita€T.Sasaki€and H.Akiyama
"Application of solid immersion lens to submicron resolution imaging of nano-scale quantum wells " 5th International Conference on near field optics and related techniques Shirahama,Japan 1998.12.6-10
"Carrier transfer in facet-growth GaAs quantum wells studied by solid immersion photoluminescence microscopy" 25th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors Nara, Japan 1998.10.12-16
S.Koshiba,S.Watanabe,Y.Nakamura,M.Yamauchi, M.Yoshita,M.Baba,and H.Akiyama
"Selective MBE Growth of GaAs/AlAs Ridge Structures Containing 10-nm Scale Wires and Side QWs and Their Stimulated Emission Characteristics" MBE-X, Cannes (France), 1998.9
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